appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Thursday, June 27, 2013

pct day 51 - 06/25/13

how blissful of a state of consciousness it is to experience something that may appear to be challenging or full of drama and to just surrender, not digging one's heals in, but to simply choose to flow forward . . .

in the middle of the night i somehow leaned against my drinking tube and emptied all 3 liters of water in to my tent. so it wasn't the pounding rain all night that got me wet, but my poorly placed left thigh . . . what more to do but laugh . . . so great. in sanskrit there is a word leela. it translates roughly as a divine game of consciousness . . .

here is an informative definition from

"Leela is the great adventure and the great discovery. Again, and again, and again, and again - without any loss and without any gain - this endless game is played. Those who realize the "play" in the game are not caught by the game-board, and know it as the Leela (Divine game) of Leela-Dhar (Cosmic Consciousness). Those who identify with the squares and planes of the game-board are played by the game-board; and the game-board becomes maya (illusion), the great veiling power that binds the mind."

in ancient judaism, more precisely kabbalah, this illusion or maya is refered to satan. yes, satan. aka darkness . . .

in each of these moments of struggle we always have the choice of realizing the leela or the play, or being played by the game board.

this is why i laugh . . . how much of a leela is it to wake up having spilled my water in my tent during pouring rain, when my tent functioned perfectly by keeping the water out.

oh and here is what my inner thighs look like after just one day of hiking n soaking wet shorts . . .

yes, blood was running down my legs . . .

but i woke up and just chose to see the leela and the beauty of my experience. i am so grateful, so blessed to get to experience this . . .

i hiked thru another day of pounding rain and wind, along miles of ridgeline, got face planted twice by strong gusts, and yes i choose to love it all because i see the leela. i chose this experience and i surrender to it all . . .

30 miles from cs1125 to donner pass at highway 40. no, i did not resort to cannabalism. 1155 miles total.

- tribhu (tree-boo)

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