appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

pct day 21 - 05/26/13

i enjoyed a leisurely morning at the saufleys, ate a huge breakfast, and then hit the trail at 11:15. i challenged myself with the idea that the next stop is the andersons, the home of more trail angels, and since it is only 24 miles from saufleys i would hike my fastest. part of my daily kharma yoga (or the discipline of action) is to never look at what is ahead. this allows me to learn from the inevitable reactions produced by my ego mind and then i get to make that magical choice to either simply observe my ego or to align with it and agree to what it is selling . . .

you all know of what i am speaking . . . so for example, my ego was telling me my body was tired, oh let's take a nap, oh i feel nauseous, blah, blah, blah . . . don't get me wrong, i monitor my body, but my ego would have me quit way before the limit of my physical body. this, to me and for our every day human existence, is truly enlightenment. it may sometimes be, like our collective spiritual teachings tell us, a single moment in time whence enlightenment occurs, like the buddha, for example. in my humble knowing of being human it is the cumulative result, or the tipping point if you will, of making the moment by moment choice to simply be enlightened. for me, in my current endeavor, this means to simply observe my ego as opposed to partaking of its ideas that do not serve my highest good.

as a result of my choices today i ended up hiking 24 miles over two long climbs in just 7 hours. i then enjoyed a very lively party of over 60 thru hikers all gathered at the anderson's home for the evening. so much fun!

24 miles from the saufley's to the anderson's. 478 miles total.

- tribhu (tree-boo)

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