appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Monday, June 10, 2013

pct day 25 - 05/30/13

after a relaxing day in tehachapi i called a trail angel on a list provided by the chamber of commerce of people willing to give rides to thru hikers. on the first call lauren answered and gave me a ride back to the trail. she told me a couple interesting facts on the way to the trail. first, that there were gusts of wind up to 90 mph when i hiked into tehachapi two days ago. this explains why i was stopped dead in my tracks several times. apparently it was so bad that the company that runs the wind farm i hiked thru pulled all the workers away from the wind turbines and they even had one of the turbines break apart from the wind. second, that this wind farm that i hiked thru is the largest in the world. i believe it because i coulnd't possible count all of the turbines i saw.

after dropping me off, lauren wouldn't even take some gas money. people are just so generous! i ended up seeing a fellow hiker, hacksaw, that i have been hiking with off an on since idyllwild because he tends to do big miles as i do. we hiked together the entire day and it was great to hike fast and long with someone of a similar pace. the pic below is of the mojave desert and the little town of mojave as we hiked up from route 58.

35 miles from willows springs road to a camp site at 593. 593 miles total.

- tribhu (tree-boo)

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