appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the miracle of manifestation . . .

i have been feeling ready for change recently.  after getting back from india in march i have increasingly felt the urge to be in the flow . . .  those whom have been in the flow of the divine will just know of what i am writing. some may even have an understanding.  for me, the flow is when you are within and upon this river of movement that you are aware is not of your mind's making.  everything, every experience, every thought, every synchronicity, every "coincidence" seems to flow upon the smooth waters of a divine river.  my most flowing experience thus far was when i thru-hiked the appalachian trail last year (you may read about it here).  thus, i decided upon returning from india to thru-hike the pacific crest trail.  of course, in my mind, this was all going to take place in 2014, primarily because of the funds needed to do such a thing.  even though in my mind i was thinking this might take place in 2014, i had the very, and i mean very, clear intuition that i should think and act as if i were going this year.  "okay," my mind said to itself.  "whatever."  but i really did then find myself thinking and acting this way.  for example, i received an outdoor equipment company's membership dividend in the mail and immediately ordered new trekking poles.  i saw a lightweight powdered toothpaste and thought to myself, "that looks great" and just bought it.

here is the manifestation miracle: the day, literally within 24 hours, of deciding that i would leave for some undetermined period of time the place i am currently living, i opened my mailbox to find a check for just the right amount to do a thru-hike . . .

but this is how my life has been since i decided to surrender to something greater than myself.  any one who knows the details of my story thus far (you know who you are) has seen all of these puzzle pieces just fall into place.  my experience with this experiment of surrender has been that these occurrences are both amazing and ordinary at the same time. if we look at them from the perspective of this physical world, yes, they are quite amazing.  from the perspective of the divine, however, what else could we possibly expect?

in chatting with a very wise friend before i left where i was living, he encouraged me to be very open and uninhibited in my writing of my walk of surrender.  so, in a few days, my walk of surrender, which actually takes place every moment in every choice, will take on the physical form of literally hiking the pacific crest trail 2,663 miles from the mexico/cali border to canada.  i am committed to sharing my experiences, not only of the physical, but of my whole beingness - body, mind, and soul - in this walk of surrender . . .

tribhu (tree-boo)

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