appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Thursday, August 1, 2013

pct days 78-88 - 07/22-08/01/13

a friend of longlegs with whom he hiked a few hundred miles ago is laid up in his home town of ashland due to an injury and offered to host us for the night. so generous. so we stayed at bogie fingers' vacant, soon to be sold grandmother's house in ashland. the family totally spoiled us and we attempted to repay rather feebly by simply moving some furniture in to a van. thanx so much to bogie fingers and his amazing family for the trail magic!

we stayed there on monday night and then had a relaxing evening before heading back to the trail on tuesday early afternoon.

here are some amazing pics from our campsite just 11 miles from ashland at a spring by a pond . . .

the next day marie and i took off early and ended up taking a detour in to hyatt lake for snacks. on the way we saw this bald eagle in a tree . . . (look to the right of the right most telephone wire)

we hit the jackpot on the hiker box there and then hit the trail to quickly catch up with longlegs and jorge. we then had an early dinner at klum campground, a run in with a kind of scary local, and then camped on a board walk built over marshes by bog springs.

the next day was an easy day of flat hiking thru lava fields. i decided to scoot on ahead and ran in to fish lake resort, where i ate a great lunch and bought some surprise treats for our campsite in the evening. i rejoined the group at highway 140 andthen we made our way to christi springs. on the way there, we encountered the most ferociously blood thirsty and terribly numerous mosquitoes since way back in grace meadow before tuolumne. i may or may not have lost a pint of blood . . . just saying . . .

the next day we passed mile 1800 . . .

while eating lunch, marie and i made the decision to hike ahead, leaving longlegs and jorge a note and some snacks, so we could get closer to crater lake. on the way, we had a difficult discussion and decided it was time to hike alone again for a while. even though a little somber in kood, we enjoyed the following incredible campsite . . .

the next day was an easy 5 miles in to crater lake. at mazama village we enjoyed a relaxing morning and afternoon and then made our way to rim village. here is crater lake . . .

unfortunately, there was a fire off to the west, so most pics do not look so great.

the next morning, marie and i said our goodbyes and i took off for shelter cove, my next scheduled resupply.

no pics, but know that i enjoyed two 40 mile days in deep contemplation and meditation. it was wonderful. at times, sad and missing my friends, but very needed.

i got to shelter cove on the 30th, and while doing my usual resupply routine, marie came happily hiking up to the resort. it was great to see her fresh off her first 40 mile day. we enjoyed a nice morning and then i continued on my way to sister, oregon, my next resupply.

here is a video of a very lucid moment as i was hiking . . .

YouTube Video

the three sisters wilderness . . . ahhhhhmazing . . .

YouTube Video

some more views on my way in to sisters . . .

the lava fields and mountains are stunning . . .

in sister, oregon as i post this update and will head out to do just 5-6 more this evening. i will pass mile 2000 tomorrow morning and the plan is to do four back-to-back 40 mile days to get to cascade locks by the 6th. i may even try back-to-back 50s to accomplish 100 in two days. we shall see . . .

1989 miles total.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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