appalachian thrail thru hike

read about my last long hike of surrender, a thru-hike of the appalachian trail from march 11th to july 1st, 2012 at

Friday, July 12, 2013

pct day 67 - 07/11/13

so i woke up in the middle of the night, cowboy camping cuz it is so dry and beautiful, to something large licking my arm. of course i jumped up with my heart pounding and turned on my headlamp to discover bambi staring back at me. lol. very cute, but a little frightening at 02:00! here is mt. shasta from about 30 miles south . . .

we hiked thru the morning and early afternoon and found a swimming hole around 14:00 where we enjoyed a swim and some lunch. realizing that we had an additional 16 miles to castella, the idea of getting to town was starting to seem out of reach. the dream team, myself, marie, and hooligan met up at a spring at around 17:45 with only 6 miles left. we decided to book it to castella to make it to the store before a 21:00 close because we were all completely out of food and we left a note for longlegs and erin, now going by jorge.

the three of us made it to castella by 19:30 and got a ride from the first passerby. amazing. then we are at the chevron, the only place to get food, and three amazing souls come up to us offering refreshments and place to stay for the night. we were brought home to adrian's mom's house where we were totally spoiled with refreshments, a huge bonfire right on the river, and yummy food. my heart always opens so much at the generosity shower of us. here is a pic of adrian and his mom . . .

thanx so much for your generosity and hospitality - unbelievable, really. tomorrow we plan to zero in mt. shasta and possibly climb that magical mountain!

my lesson for today is the beauty in completely surrendering to the flow. as we all know, even dead fish go with the flow and in the words of lao-tzu: "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

going with the flow this evening resulted in a fantastically magical night . . .

27 miles from flitzhugh gulch to castella. 1505 miles total.

- tribhu (tree-boo)

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